Mackenzie Jackson

Mackenzie Jackson

Mackenzie is a developer advocate at GitGuardian, he is passionate about technology and building a community of engaged developers to shape future tools and systems.

63 posts
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8.5% of Docker Images Expose API and Private Keys

8.5% of Docker Images Expose API and Private Keys

A new comprehensive study by researchers at RWTH Aachen University in Germany did a study on over 300,000 docker images finding that 8.5% contained API keys and private keys that malicious actors could exploit in the wild.

CodeSecDays brings security leaders together to build a world without software security issues

CodeSecDays brings security leaders together to build a world without software security issues

In GitGuardian's first digital conference, CodeSecDays, security leaders from multiple leading companies like Snyk, Chainguard, Doppler, RedMonk, and more came together to share the latest in code and application security. As the CEO and founder of GitGuardian, Eric Fourrier said, “No organizations

Lessons from Lapsus - CISO on Building a comprehensive secrets management program

Lessons from Lapsus - CISO on Building a comprehensive secrets management program

Following a breach by the Lapsus$ cyber gang, Jason Haddix, then CISO of UbiSoft called over 40 other CISOs to discuss strategies on how to be more resilient to attacks. Those conversations led him to create a 4 step guide to building a comprehensive secrets management program.

Best Practices for Managing and Storing Secrets Including API Keys and Other Credentials [cheat sheet included]

Best Practices for Managing and Storing Secrets Including API Keys and Other Credentials [cheat sheet included]

We have compiled a list of some of the best practices to prevent API key leakage and keep secrets and credentials safe. Secrets management doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all approach, so this list considers multiple perspectives so you can be informed in deciding to or not to implement strategies.
