You know that app or program you're building? The one you've poured your blood, sweat, and coffee into? Well, here's a harsh truth - even you don't really know what's lurking beneath the surface.

Every line of code you write is like a guest at a party - it brings along a bunch of friends (those open-source libraries and components) that you didn't actually invite. And who knows what kind of shenanigans they're getting up to?

That's where Software Composition Analysis rides in on a white horse to save the day. This magic lets you X-ray your code, revealing every sketchy dependency trying to sneak in.

Still confused? Don't worry, Rohit Segal's got you covered. Check out his security zine and regain control of your own creation. Your code's gonna be squeaky clean - and your ship will sail smoothly into the future!

Zine summary:

  • Problem: modern apps have a complex dependency graph that can import malicious dependencies
  • Software Composition Analysis (SCA) identifies vulnerabilities
  • From this analysis a Software Bill of Materials can be produced to provide a complete recipe of the components used.
  • Both SCA and the resulting SBOM generation can be integrated into continuous integration and deployment pipelines.
Security Zines is a project led by Rohit Sehgal. Check out his work at and give him a follow on Twitter @sec_r0 to see what he comes up with next!