You’re a backend developer at Sisense in April 2024, and amidst fierce competition and tight budgets, the push for rapid software deployment is relentless. You’re tired but have to ship quicker, so you trust your AI coding assistant for some mundane development tasks, allowing you to focus on more impactful areas. The code generated appears solid and passes tests, so you merge your code branch into production.

Days later, Sisensense suffered a breach that allowed attackers to exfiltrate customer data, including millions of access tokens and SSL certificates. They accessed Sisense's GitLab repositories and found hardcoded AWS credentials. Because AI-coding assistants leak secrets, and yours did a few days ago.

While this scenario is plausible, Sisense never explained why an AWS key was in their code. This incident underscores the peril of hardcoded secrets, which can lead to regulatory fines (GDPR, CCPA), financial setbacks, and reputational damage.

There are many ways to prevent such breaches. However, the best way to preserve developer productivity is to detect hardcoded secrets as soon as they’re typed, prevent serious vulnerabilities, and avoid unnecessary time wasted troubleshooting.That’s precisely the mission of our new Visual Studio Code extension: bringing robust shift-left security practices directly into the developer's workflow. It ensures early incident detection and simplifies remediation, aligning security measures with developer efficiency.

Introducing our VS Code extension, your new first line of defense

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an integrated Development Environment (IDE) that supports multiple programming languages. Known for its versatility and wide range of extensions, it’s one of the most popular code editors used by developers around the world.GitGuardian’s new VS Code extension directly brings the detection of secrets to developers in their tooling, ensuring developer adoption at scale and enforcing compliance consistently across distributed teams and in various environments.

Getting started with the GitGuardian extension is simple. You can install it directly from the VS Code Marketplace or the extension menu within VS Code. The extension can also be distributed as a package for organizations with air-gapped environments or specific security requirements.

Developer workflow integration: security without friction

The GitGuardian VS Code extension works by scanning code in real-time. As soon as a secret is detected, it’s highlighted directly in the code, with red warnings in the status bar that are impossible to miss. This real-time feedback helps developers fix issues before the code is ever committed, making it an essential first line of defense.

Detection and remediation from the VS Code extension
Detection and remediation in the VS Code extension

But what happens after a secret is detected? That’s where guided remediation comes in. The extension offers custom remediation messages, which might guide developers on storing secrets in a secure vault or suggest other corrective actions. This turns potential security incidents into opportunities for learning security best practices, all without leaving the IDE.

 If a secret is incorrectly flagged, developers can easily declare it a false positive by creating or editing a .gitguardian.yaml file. Metadata is always available, allowing informed decisions and helping teams avoid unnecessary disruptions.

Ignoring false positives in the VS Code extension

Of course, we designed the extension to be developer-friendly. With a one-click install and simplified authentication, getting started is a breeze. Whenever a file is saved, it’s automatically scanned using the GitGuardian CLI (ggshield), and no separate installation of ggshield is required.

Boost security without compromising productivity

From a productivity perspective, the earlier an issue is caught, the cheaper and easier it is to fix. You save developer time on fixing issues and security team resources required for incident response.Furthermore, real-time detection of secrets helps reduce the number of incidents from the start. Some organizations have seen a 20% reduction in exposed secrets even before implementing formal security tooling, simply through better education and awareness. By preventing secrets from being committed, the GitGuardian extension can drastically cut down remediation costs, saving both time and money.

For security teams, the GitGuardian VS Code extension makes it easier to distribute security tools to developers. Even in organizations where git hooks aren’t fully rolled out, or if developers forget to set them up on every project, the extension provides proactive defense directly in the IDE, shifting away from reactive measures and bridging the gap between development and security teams. It’s essential for teams working at scale, where manual code reviews can miss sensitive data.

It also solves the increasing prevalence of modern AI tools. Recent studies have shown that code assistants can suggest insecure code, often inadvertently inserting secrets into your codebase. The GitGuardian extension helps mitigate this risk by detecting secrets generated by AI assistants in real time, ensuring that your adoption of AI remains secure.

Shifting as left as possible

At GitGuardian, we’ve long advocated for shift-left security, but traditional tools like pre-commit hooks and scanning measures only go so far. Even with the best intentions, developers may occasionally ignore pre-commit warnings or take shortcuts. However, with real-time feedback from the GitGuardian VS Code extension, issues are caught and highlighted immediately, giving teams a chance to fix them early while the code is still in the editor.

For a comprehensive security strategy, teams should continue to use ggshield for broader shift-left protections while reinforcing these measures with real-time IDE scanning to cover every angle. This dual approach strengthens your security posture, helping to protect against both accidental and intentional lapses.

And while brain implants might one day take us even further left, for now, we’re focusing on practical, developer-friendly tools to secure code from the outset.

A game changer in proactive security

GitGuardian’s VS Code extension is a game-changer for proactive security. By embedding security directly into the development process, we’re making it easier for developers to do their jobs securely without extra effort. Real-time detection, guided remediation, and seamless integration into existing workflows mean that security is no longer bolted-on, but baked-in. 

As more teams adopt the extension, we’re confident it will help create a culture of secure coding from the very start. And this is just the beginning. More IDE extensions for other popular code editors are in the pipeline, making secure development accessible to all developers.

For those interested in improving developer security further, the GitGuardian VS Code extension is open-source and available on GitHub. GitGuardian collaborates with the open-source community to maintain the tool, providing an extra layer of assurance regarding its security.We welcome contributions to help improve security for developers everywhere – it’s Hacktoberfest, after all. Let’s build a safer coding culture together.