Red Team Chronicles: Your trash my treasure
The Red Team Chronicles is a hacker comic that this month is looking at the endeavors of Jason Haddix and how he and his team got access to a bank via a shred bin using some thrifty techniques.
The Red Team Chronicles is a hacker comic that this month is looking at the endeavors of Jason Haddix and how he and his team got access to a bank via a shred bin using some thrifty techniques.
This episode of The Red Team Chronicles we follow the true story of how Brice Self almost got caught breaking into a federal bank.... But got away with it by playing hide and seek!
For the last installment of our Red Team Chronicles, Philippe Caturegli explains the different phases of a compromise and what should be a priority for security teams.
In this episode, you’ll discover a perfect illustration of the security knowledge gap existing between organizations. Offensive security expert Philippe Caturegli comes across a way too common belief: “nobody will find my scripts or my data because they are very carefully hidden”.
Building a fortress is a strategy from the past. Mobility, remote working, cloud and SaaS have made the delineation between internal and external networks almost impossible. This episode reviews how attackers use fortress against organizations.
In episode 2 of the Red Team Chronicles, we talk with Philippe about the one size fits all security claims some vendors make and how hackers use this to get into systems undetected.
The Red Team Chronicles follows pentester and entrepreneur Philippe as we look into his hacking playbook. In episode one, we look at how Philippe started his journey to become a pentester.