Best practices

A collection of 64 posts

Securing your CI/CD: an OIDC Tutorial

Securing your CI/CD: an OIDC Tutorial

The article highlights the significance of securing CI/CD systems and offers three best practices. It introduces OpenID Connect (OIDC) as a means to employ short-lived tokens for improved security.

Why you should look beyond source code for exposed secrets

Why you should look beyond source code for exposed secrets

Learn more about the various sources of exposed secrets beyond source code repositories. From CI/CD systems to container images, runtime environments to project management tools, uncover the risks associated with storing secrets in these sources.

The Art of Protecting Secrets: Eight Essential Concepts for SecOps Practitioners

The Art of Protecting Secrets: Eight Essential Concepts for SecOps Practitioners

Secrets management is an art, and mastering it requires a deep understanding of security protocols, meticulous attention to detail, and a proactive approach to staying ahead of threats. In this blog, we present you with eight essential concepts to enhance your credential management strategy.

External Attack Surface Management. What are you missing out on?

External Attack Surface Management. What are you missing out on?

Discover the importance of including public GitHub monitoring in your external attack surface management strategy to mitigate the risk of sensitive information exposure. Learn the steps to protect your organization from potential breaches in this blog post.
