Mackenzie Jackson

Mackenzie Jackson

Mackenzie is a developer advocate at GitGuardian, he is passionate about technology and building a community of engaged developers to shape future tools and systems.

62 posts
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The State of Security in Australia: HackSydney and BSides give insight into security post-Medibank and Optus

The State of Security in Australia: HackSydney and BSides give insight into security post-Medibank and Optus

Cybersecurity in Australia has moved well and truly into the focus of the mainstream media and the everyday public. This year we saw two catastrophic security breaches with Optus, an Australian telecom provider, and Medibank, one of the largest health insurance providers in Australia.

Crappy code, crappy Copilot. GitHub Copilot is writing vulnerable code and it could be your fault

Crappy code, crappy Copilot. GitHub Copilot is writing vulnerable code and it could be your fault

The promise of AI code assistance like Copilot was an exciting promise when released. But they might not be the answer to all your problems. A research study has now found that while Copilot frequently introduces vulnerabilities, it may in fact be influenced by the input. Poor code, poor outcome.

Samsung and Nvidia are the latest companies to involuntarily go open-source leaking company secrets

Samsung and Nvidia are the latest companies to involuntarily go open-source leaking company secrets

Nearly 200GB of source code from Samsung and the source code from Nvidia's latest DLSS technology has been published online by The Lapsus$ hacking group. Internal source code being leaked online by adversaries is happening with alarming regularity in recent years. Only
