
A collection of 54 posts

8.5% of Docker Images Expose API and Private Keys

8.5% of Docker Images Expose API and Private Keys

A new comprehensive study by researchers at RWTH Aachen University in Germany did a study on over 300,000 docker images finding that 8.5% contained API keys and private keys that malicious actors could exploit in the wild.

The Art of Protecting Secrets: Eight Essential Concepts for SecOps Practitioners

The Art of Protecting Secrets: Eight Essential Concepts for SecOps Practitioners

Secrets management is an art, and mastering it requires a deep understanding of security protocols, meticulous attention to detail, and a proactive approach to staying ahead of threats. In this blog, we present you with eight essential concepts to enhance your credential management strategy.

Lessons from Lapsus - CISO on Building a comprehensive secrets management program

Lessons from Lapsus - CISO on Building a comprehensive secrets management program

Following a breach by the Lapsus$ cyber gang, Jason Haddix, then CISO of UbiSoft called over 40 other CISOs to discuss strategies on how to be more resilient to attacks. Those conversations led him to create a 4 step guide to building a comprehensive secrets management program.

Platform Engineering and Security: A Very Short Introduction

Platform Engineering and Security: A Very Short Introduction

Is DevOps really dead? Learn about the rise of platform engineering and how it differs from DevOps in terms of self-service capabilities and automation. Discover how security fits into this new paradigm and the benefits of platform engineering for software development teams of various sizes.

How to Handle AWS Secrets

How to Handle AWS Secrets

In this blog post, we'll cover some best practices for managing AWS secrets when using the AWS SDK in Python.

How to Handle Secrets in Python

How to Handle Secrets in Python

DevOps engineers must handle secrets with care. In this series, we summarize best practices for leveraging secrets with your everyday tools.
