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AWS IAM Security Best Practices

AWS IAM Security Best Practices

Identity and access management is a pillar of security. With the advent of the cloud, it got a lot more complicated. Here is a recap of the best practices to put in place to secure AWS IAM.

4 Reasons MSPs Should Monitor Their GitHub Footprint

4 Reasons MSPs Should Monitor Their GitHub Footprint

In recent years, resorting to MSPs has become very popular for companies wanting to accelerate the digitization of their businesses. With this surge in popularity, MSPs now face the question: how to ensure we can meet our cybersecurity responsibilities?

Security Chats - What Developers Say About Us

Security Chats - What Developers Say About Us

With more than 170k GitHub users and 4.3M (!) repositories under our shield, GitGuardian is proud to help the developers’ community code safer. Here is what you’ve been telling us lately.

GitGuardian’s New Nest

GitGuardian’s New Nest

GitGuardian is moving! We are happy to share with you some pictures of our great new offices in Paris city center.

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